Internal company conflicts –
Mediation for Teams or within different company departments
Sometimes, there is not a good flow in the team.
Today’s fast growing organic market, combined with very challenging daily-life situations, can easily bring conflicts.
And even in „normal days“, the different responsibilities of the departments like quality assurance versus purchase or sales tasks, or demanded delivery times in full schedules can create hot situations.
Insightful Mediation within and between teams can often fast reinstall a good teamwork!
Or give understanding, why some execution work just does not work smooth. Mediation between teams could e.g. show the path to necessary changes within the organization of daily tasks – already the process can lead to better team-work!
Or a personal misunderstanding can be solved:
Colleagues can speak out loud what they did not dare to say before, in a protected atmosphere. Already the understanding of a maybe difficult situation can help improving it!
I could show many more examples how a good mediation can lead to more satisfied employees and by this last but not least also better results. And the earlier a silent conflict is discussed, the less disturbance it will cause. Also, for the personal health of your team members!
I would be happy to explain you more in person, if some words or sentences teased you!